Frames Facts

Racquet Frame Facts

The following basic rules apply when comparing tennis racquets.

1) A heavier frame generates more power.

2) A heavier frame vibrates less.

3) A heavier frame has a larger sweet spot.

4) A stiffer frame generates more power.

5) A stiffer frame has a larger sweet spot.

6) A stiffer frame provides a more uniform response across the entire string plane.

7) A stiffer frame transmits more of the shock load to the arm – can cause arm issues.

 8) A racquet with a larger head size will have better torsional stability, when a ball is struck off center.

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Keep these facts in mind when considering a new racquet purchase.

If you have elbow issues, look for a racquet that is a little heavier (keeping the racquet, head light if possible), and one that is flexible. Flexible racquets are more comfortable to play with – the trade off though is less power.

At Tennis Junction, we have a Babolat Racquet Diagnostic System (RDC) which can measure a racquet’s flex and its thus it’s power and comfort.


The Babolat Racquet Diagnostic Centre (RDC)

This machine ensures a precise diagnosis of a racquets playing characteristics. Namely power, control and handling (maneuverability).

The electronic RDC enables users to accurately measure the following ;

stiffness of a frame

a racquet head’s rigidity

the dynamic string tension

the swing weight of the frame

the balance point of the frame

lastly, a frame’s weight.

This high quality machine also let us assess the resiliency (power) left in the strings in your racquet, so that you can determine the ideal time to restring. Don’t wait for your strings to break. They might be dead, well before your reach that stage. Dead strings will cause tennis elbow.

Ever wonder why two identical racquets feel and play differently? With the help of the RDC, we can match them to play identically. Call or stop in for details.